Welcome to Roath

A densely populated area, close to the University campus, and near to the busy high street of Albany Road. The majority of the property here is traditional terrace houses. The area is full of takeaways, pubs and shops with a large recreation ground that is popular with sports enthusiasts and sun worshippers in the summer! This is probably the second most popular area for third year students and post-grads, as it offers everything they need, within close proximity to the city centre and the university.

The nearby Roath Park has beautiful gardens and a lake with swans, rowing boats and pedalos. It is a favourite with joggers all year round. This part of Roath borders the more affluent areas of Cyncoed and Penylan and as you move across the suburb, the properties change from traditional terrace to larger detached houses.

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Images of Roath

Area Guides for Roath (1)